Bridge the gap between Community Farmers and Coffee Roasters.
Big Black Box is dedicated to fostering sustainable growth in the local
coffee industry. Our approach is to ethically sourcing green bean coffee
through responsible purchasing practices and supportive of sustainable
initiative to contribute to farmers yield growth.
What truly sets us apart is our dedication to local communities. Our
passionate sourcing team, led by certified Q graders, empowers local
farmers, fostering ethical practices and sustainable businesses.
Our initiatives aren’t just about serving entrepreneurs; they’re about
empowering them. Whether you dream on a small or large scale, we’re
here to fuel your aspirations. Our efforts streamline the journey for local
farmers and producers, fostering sustainable growth that echoes
beyond profits.
Fostering Community Sustainability and Empowering Suan Ya Luang Farmers, San Charoen District, Nan and Doi Omkoi, Omkoi District, Chiang Mai Province.
We support quality development and market opportunities
for farmers to promote the long-term growth of the
two communities.
We’re here to champion the growth of the two communities
by facilitating product quality enhancement and honest
produce transactions. Our mission is to bridge thegap
between local farmers and coffee roasters, ensuring a fair
and prosperous partnership.
Elevating Product Quality
We provide valuable insights and
knowledge to enhance the quality of
our community’s produce.
Fair Pricing Advocates
We’re committed to empowering
farmers by ensuring fair pricing for
their hard-earned produce.
Connecting Farmers and Roasters
Bridging the gap between local
farmers and coffee roasters to foster
a mutually beneficial relationship.
Coffee cultivation in Nan Province
Nan Province is a major coffee-growing area in Thailand. The region has a complex terrain of mountains, a humid and cool climate, and rich soil minerals, which make it ideal for coffee cultivation.Coffee farmers in Nan Province are developing their cultivation practices with the support of government agencies. They are mostly family-run and they take pride in the quality of their coffee. Coffee-growing areas cover many districts, such as Ban Manipruek in Thungchang District, Ban San Charoen in Tha Wang Pha District, Bo Klue District, and Pua District. Additionally, several coffee clubs have been established to promote coffee education, comprehensive development and production and cooperation among farmers. One particularly coffee farm dear to our heart in Nan Province is Ban San Charoen, Doi Suan Ya Luang. This coffee farm is led by Seng and Jirarat, who are committed to producing high-quality coffee. They have been developing their yields and processing techniques over the years, and they now offer a variety of coffee products, including washed, hone, and dry processes using anaerobic techniques to make the coffee flavors more complex.
Nan Province is a major coffee-growing area in Thailand. The region has a complex terrain of mountains, a humid and cool climate, and rich soil minerals, which make it ideal for coffee cultivation.Coffee farmers in Nan Province are developing their cultivation practices with the support of government agencies. They are mostly family-run and they take pride in the quality of their coffee. Coffee-growing areas cover many districts, such as Ban Manipruek in Thungchang District, Ban San Charoen in Tha Wang Pha District, Bo Klue District, and Pua District. Additionally, several coffee clubs have been established to promote coffee education, comprehensive development and production and cooperation among farmers. One particularly coffee farm dear to our heart in Nan Province is Ban San Charoen, Doi Suan Ya Luang. This coffee farm is led by Seng and Jirarat, who are committed to producing high-quality coffee. They have been developing their yields and processing techniques over the years, and they now offer a variety of coffee products, including washed, hone, and dry processes using anaerobic techniques to make the coffee flavors more complex.
Big Black Box, a Thai coffee company, has partnered with coffee farmers in Nan Province,
including Seng and Jirarat, to support coffee cultivation and development. The company
has invested in equipment and training, and it has helped to introduce new coffee
processing techniques to the region. Big Black Box is also working with government
agencies to conduct CSR activities and to help people in the community.
In the near future, we plan to expand our partnership with coffee farmers Ban Omkoi,
Chiang Mai Province. We will build a washing station in Ban Omkoi to purchase produce
from farmers and to help develop coffee beans in its best quality and taste. This will help
to elevate the quality and price of coffee from the region, and it will allow farmers to
sustainably grow their business.
Suan Ya Luang
Suan Ya Luang is a coffee-growing region with sufficient volume
of high-quality coffee and a lot of Yellow varieties. The collaborative
partnership with Mr Send, a Thai farmer from Suan Ya Luang initiated
with the vision to develop and uplift the quality of Thai coffee.
Big Black Box has been supporting farmers in Suan Ya Luang by
providing assistance in various areas, such as building a cherry mill and
a coffee drying station, and developing new coffee processing techniques
such as Suan Ya Luang Natural and Nan Suan Ya Luang honey anaerobic
to increase coffee beans diversity. We are also encouraging farmers to
grow more Robusta coffee beans and promote Suan Ya Luang’s quality
and distinct flavors of the Robusta coffee.
Manipruek is another coffee-growing region with a suitable geographical
environment for growing coffee beans of various varieties, such as
Gesha, Java, and Selena. BBB has been supporting farmers in Manipruek
by providing equipment for processing and improving the coffee drying
station. BBB is also committed to helping Thai coffee enter the COE
competition and other world competitions.
Omkoi is a new coffee-growing region that we are supporting. We have
constructed a coffee drying area and a washing station in Omkoi, and
also purchase cherry coffee from nearby mountains such as Doi Mooser,
Khun Yuam, Jomthong, or Kiw Lum, to increase farmers’ income and
obtain more diverse variety of green coffee beans. We have plans to
promote Omkoi as a renown coffee area and to help develop a more
specialized process and coffee bean varieties.
Big Black Box has built a coffee plantation in Laos to grow both Arabica
and Robusta coffee bean varieties, and also supports Lao farmers in
developing high quality beans. We strategically chose Laos because
of the high quality coffee beans and its consistent flavors which could
be produced in large quantities, and is reasonably priced. By sourcing
raw coffee beans from Laos, we can directly maintain and control the
quality of the coffee.